Ridgeline Washcloth Series, Part 1

April 30, 2018

When looking for a more mindless project to work on during a more mindful movie or a simple project to take on the go, one of my go to projects is a washcloth. While I typically make my washcloths with rows of half double crochet worked in the front loop only, I thought I’d give something new a try.

To add a more textured scrubby effect, I played around with working in the front and back post of double crochet stitches. This produces a ridged line traveling up the sides of the front of the washcloth, and it even results in a fun, mini-ridged texture on the back!

After my first washcloth was complete, I continued with a couple more that added additional ridges in the center portion of the cloth. And hence the Ridgeline Washcloth Series came to be!

This post will release the first of three washcloths incorporating the use of front and back post double crochet.

You can add this pattern to your Ravelry queue here or Pin It for later here.

Finished size: approximately 9” x 8 ½”

My Materials:

  • worsted weight cotton yarn, (a little more than ½ skein of Sugar ’n Cream – Hot Purple was used)
  • Hook I (5.5 mm)
  • tapestry needle


  • ch – chain
  • sc – single crochet
  • dc – double crochet
  • FPDC – front post double crochet
  • BPDC – back post double crochet


  • The ch 2 at the beginning of each row counts as the first dc, which means that the first stitch of the previous row is skipped over to compensate.
  • To make the washcloth wider, add stitches to your starting chain. To make the washcloth longer, add rows.

The Pattern:

Ch 30

Row 1: Dc in third chain from hook (the skipped chains count as the first dc) and each remaining chain across (29 dc)

Row 2: Ch 2 (counts as first dc of the row), turn, skip the first stitch, FPDC in second stitch, FPDC in next stitch, dc in the next 23 stitches, FPDC in next 2 stitches, dc in the starting ch of the previous row (29 dc)

Row 3: Ch 2, turn, skip the first stitch, BPDC in the next 2 stitches, dc in the next 23, BPDC in the next 2, dc in the starting ch of the previous row (29 dc)

Rows 4-15: Repeat rows 2 and 3 (29 dc)

Edging: Ch 1, turn, sc across to the last stitch, work 3 sc into the corner; continue down the side with 2 sc at the end of each row, work 3 sc into the corner; sc across the bottom edge, work 3 sc into the corner; continue up the last side with 2 sc at the end of each row, work 2 sc into the last corner

Finish off and tie in ends.

Yarnfully Yours,